Falmouth is the second-largest municipality on Cape Cod, next to Barnstable. With its many inlets, bays, harbors, and ponds, it can be a wonderful … [Read more...]
Sizzling Sunset Viewed From Chapoquoit Beach, West Falmouth!
Exploring the coastline of West Falmouth...just in time for sunset...started off in the harbor...ended at Chapoquoit Beach...beautiful … [Read more...]
West Falmouth Library To Host Wampanoag Presentation
FALMOUTH - The West Falmouth Library is hosting a special presentation on Wampanoag culture and Food later this month. The presentation … [Read more...]
Falmouth Citizens Committee to Analyze New Fire Station Sites
FALMOUTH - Falmouth selectman recently appointed nine residents to a new citizens advisory committee to analyze location options for a new fire … [Read more...]
Falmouth Residents Give Thoughts to Selectmen Regarding Fire Department
FALMOUTH-Residents of Falmouth attended a recent meeting with town selectmen to give their thoughts on topics regarding the Falmouth Fire … [Read more...]
West Falmouth Residents Speak Out Against Fire Station Closure
WEST FALMOUTH--West Falmouth residents are speaking out against the future closure of the West Falmouth Fire Station. The town recently announced … [Read more...]
Fourth Democrat Joins Race for Plymouth/Barnstable State Senate
FALMOUTH - Another candidate has announced his intent to run for Vinny deMacedo's Plymouth/Barnstable State Senate seat. Thomas Moakley of West … [Read more...]
Falmouth Septic Upgrades Demonstrate Nitrogen-Reducing Technology
WEST FALMOUTH – The Buzzards Bay Coalition says that two scheduled upgrades to the septic system on West Falmouth Harbor will deploy new … [Read more...]
Construction to Begin at West Falmouth Library
WEST FALMOUTH - Construction work is expected to begin this week to give the West Falmouth Library a facelift. The project involves building a … [Read more...]
From The CapeCod.com NewsCenter
New Research Shows Rehabilitated Loggerheads Thriving After Release
Cape Cod Charity Gets $1M Bequest
LISTEN: Casey Sherman Bringing Local Talent to Stage for True Crime Play
Poll Says Cape Codders Favor Proposed Canal Bridge Designs
New England Aquarium Disappointed in NOAA Cuts
Housing Assistance Announces New Vice President of Philanthropy
Martha’s Vineyard Receives $400,000 Through Equitable Climate Program
WATCH: Demolition of Controversial Wellfleet Home Facing Erosion Threat
LISTEN: Hyannis Youth & Community Center Hosting Job Fair for Young Workers Wednesday
US Lobster Catch Drops as Crustaceans Migrate to Colder Canadian Waters
Vineyard Wind Says Lightning Apparently Struck Previously-Damaged Turbine
Cape And Islands Lawmakers Looking Forward To Their Committee Assignments
Cape Cod 5 Orleans Starting Renovations