ORLEANS - The Coast Guard Auxiliary’s Nauset Flotilla is inviting prospective boaters to attend “Boat America,” a one-day boating safety course to be … [Read more...]
Pet Safety Tips from ARL Brewster as Cold Sets In
BREWSTER - The Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) is offering winter pet safety tips as the cold sets in. They said just a few extra steps … [Read more...]
Truro’s Longnook Beach Likely To Remain Closed Due To Safety Concerns
TRURO - The Town of Truro has announced that Longnook Beach is likely to stay closed for the rest of the summer due to fears of a catastrophic event … [Read more...]
Mass Maritime Academy Receives Grant For Helicopter Escape Training
BUZZARDS BAY - The Massachusetts Maritime Academy recently received a $2 million grant from the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC) to design … [Read more...]
OSHA Reports On Worker Death At Brockton Hospital Site
BROCKTON – The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is concluding its investigation into a construction accident at Brockton … [Read more...]
From The CapeCod.com NewsCenter
Eastham Emergency Dispatch Transfers To Barnstable Sheriff’s Office
Barnstable Sheriff’s Office Inviting Citizens To Talk To Inmates
Legislative Breakfast Next Week To Focus On Senior Issues
Barnstable County Legislative Branch Picks Charter Review Committee Members
Steamship Authority Waives Fees Amid Forecasted High Winds
WATCH: New Research Shows Rehabilitated Loggerheads Thriving After Release
Cape Cod Charity Gets $1M Bequest
LISTEN: Casey Sherman Bringing Local Talent to Stage for True Crime Play
Poll Says Cape Codders Favor Proposed Canal Bridge Designs
New England Aquarium Disappointed in NOAA Cuts
Housing Assistance Announces New Vice President of Philanthropy
Martha’s Vineyard Receives $400,000 Through Equitable Climate Program
WATCH: Demolition of Controversial Wellfleet Home Facing Erosion Threat