ORLEANS - The in-state primary on September 3 is approaching, and several Cape Cod towns are preparing to host early voting. Seats appearing on the … [Read more...]
Gun Reform Bill Passes Through State House
BOSTON - The State House and Senate recently sent Governor Healey an overhaul of the state’s gun laws. House Bill 4885, or An Act modernizing … [Read more...]
Environmental Group Praises Passing of Climate Bill
HYANNIS – An environmental group praised the recent approval of a climate bill in the Massachusetts State Senate. State director for Environment … [Read more...]
State Senate Passes Bills Promoting Women’s Health Care
HYANNIS – The Massachusetts State Senate recently passed a pair of bills increasing health care access for women and expecting and postpartum mothers … [Read more...]
VOTES Act Seeks to Overhaul State Electoral System
HYANNIS – Voting rights organizations are pushing for the approval of a new bill that would assure and expand rights for voters across the … [Read more...]
Redistricting Changes Cape & Islands State Senate Seat
HYANNIS – The Massachusetts Senate and Massachusetts House recently passed S.2560 “An Act establishing senatorial districts,” legislation … [Read more...]
State Senate Votes To Lower Unemployment Fund Contributions
BOSTON - The State Senate has approved a bill that won’t keep employers on the hook for unforeseen spikes in their mandatory contributions to the … [Read more...]
From The CapeCod.com NewsCenter
Eastham Emergency Dispatch Transfers To Barnstable Sheriff’s Office
Barnstable Sheriff’s Office Inviting Citizens To Talk To Inmates
Legislative Breakfast Next Week To Focus On Senior Issues
Barnstable County Legislative Branch Picks Charter Review Committee Members
Steamship Authority Waives Fees Amid Forecasted High Winds
WATCH: New Research Shows Rehabilitated Loggerheads Thriving After Release
Cape Cod Charity Gets $1M Bequest
LISTEN: Casey Sherman Bringing Local Talent to Stage for True Crime Play
Poll Says Cape Codders Favor Proposed Canal Bridge Designs
New England Aquarium Disappointed in NOAA Cuts
Housing Assistance Announces New Vice President of Philanthropy
Martha’s Vineyard Receives $400,000 Through Equitable Climate Program
WATCH: Demolition of Controversial Wellfleet Home Facing Erosion Threat