MASHPEE - The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Gaming Authority recently submitted a formal request to meet with the Taunton City Council to discuss a new … [Read more...]
Judge Affirms Placing Massachusetts Tribal Lands Into Trust
BOSTON (AP) - A federal judge has ruled against a group of Taunton residents who sued the federal government in an effort to prevent the Mashpee … [Read more...]
Former Mashpee Wampanoag Leader Convicted in Casino Bribery Case
BOSTON (AP) - The former leader of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe has been convicted of bribery and extortion charges related to its long-planned casino … [Read more...]
Feds Oppose Latest Legal Effort to Block Tribe’s Reservation
BOSTON (AP) - The Biden Administration is opposing renewed efforts to block a Massachusetts tribe’s sovereign reservation. The U.S. Department of the … [Read more...]
Wampanoag Tribe Looks at Casino Plans with Fresh Eyes
BOSTON (AP) - The new head of a Massachusetts tribe says he intends to take a cautious approach to gambling while turning attention to social … [Read more...]
House Committee Advances Mashpee Wampanoag Bill
MASHPEE – Legislation that would preserve the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe’s federal land in trust passed a key House committee on Wednesday. It’s a … [Read more...]
Wampanoag Tribal Council Rescinds Cromwell ‘No Confidence’ Vote
MASHPEE - The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Council has rescinded its recent vote of no-confidence in Chairman Cedric Cromwell. The council also voted … [Read more...]
Legislation Supporting Wampanoag Land in Trust Re-Filed in D.C.
MASHPEE – Legislation that would re-establish the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe’s reservation lands in Mashpee and Taunton is back before … [Read more...]
U.S. Senate Joins House in Filing Bill to Preserve Mashpee Wampanoag Land Into Trust
MASHPEE – Legislation has been filed in the U.S. Senate, similar to a bill filed in the House, that could stop the potential revocation of the Mashpee … [Read more...]
Federal Legislation Could Revive Mashpee Wampanoag Casino Plan
MASHPEE - Bi-partisan legislation filed in Congress this week could help revive the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe’s casino plan in Taunton and stop the … [Read more...]
From The NewsCenter
Camp Edwards And Fort Hill To Undergo Prescribed Burns
Feds Order Review Of Lightning-Damaged Vineyard Wind Turbine
Massachusetts Attorney General Joins Suit Against Federal Layoffs
Eminent Domain Letters Out for Sagamore Bridge Project
Bourne Recovering From Cybersecurity Incident
Eastham Emergency Dispatch Transfers To Barnstable Sheriff’s Office
Barnstable Sheriff’s Office Inviting Citizens To Talk To Inmates
Legislative Breakfast Next Week To Focus On Senior Issues
Barnstable County Legislative Branch Picks Charter Review Committee Members
Steamship Authority Waives Fees Amid Forecasted High Winds
WATCH: New Research Shows Rehabilitated Loggerheads Thriving After Release
Cape Cod Charity Gets $1M Bequest
LISTEN: Casey Sherman Bringing Local Talent to Stage for True Crime Play