State Releases Comprehensive Housing Plan

BOSTON - State officials have released the state’s first comprehensive housing plan to increase housing throughout the state. “A Home for Everyone: … [Read more...]

Barnstable County Releases Regional Housing Strategy

BARNSTABLE - At a recent meeting, the Barnstable County Board of Regional Commissioners announced updates to the Regional Housing Strategy. The … [Read more...]

Chapter 40B Housing Approved in Falmouth

FALMOUTH - Falmouth’s zoning board has approved Chapter 40B housing for a project on Walker Street. The project would construct a three-story … [Read more...]

PICS: Orleans Workforce Housing Underway

ORLEANS - The module materials for affordable housing in Orleans have arrived.  Housing Assistance Corporation (HAC) CEO and President Alisa … [Read more...]

Funding Approved For North Truro Affordable Housing Project

TRURO - The Barnstable County Commissioners this past week voted to approve an agreement for the Cloverleaf Truro Rental Housing Development, a $38 … [Read more...]

Housing Assistance To Host Info Session For Affordable Housing In Bourne

SAGAMORE BEACH - Housing Assistance is inviting income eligible residents to attend a virtual info session for 42 affordable apartments in Sagamore … [Read more...]

UPDATE: Sandwich Special Town Meeting Postponed

UPDATE: Tonight's special town meeting in Sandwich has been postponed. Officials cited the sudden death of former police chief Michael Miller, who was … [Read more...]

Orleans Launching Rental Assistance Program

ORLEANS - Orleans is launching a new rental assistance program to help tackle the housing crisis. It's funded by the Orleans Affordable Housing … [Read more...]

New State Housing Law Celebrated At Cape Cod Summit

HYANNIS – The third annual Housing to Protect Cape Cod Summit was held last week at the Emerald Resort in Hyannis with a focus on Governor Maura … [Read more...]

New Affordable Rentals Celebrated In Mashpee

MASHPEE – A ribbon-cutting was held last week for a new affordable rental community in Mashpee. The Housing Assistance Corporation says LeClair … [Read more...]
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