HYANNIS – The YMCA Cape Cod will hold a ribbon cutting ceremony on September 22 at 11 a.m. to open their newest early education center in downtown Hyannis.
A $1 million dollar grant was used from the Commonwealth’s Early Education and Out of School Time Capital Fund from 2019 to help in the construction of the center.
The building will be located off Stevens Street in the downtown area and has a licensed capacity for 60 children up to the age of five, including children enrolled in Early Head Start and Head Start programs.
“Over the last five years, we have turned a vision into a reality, demonstrating the incredible impact we can achieve when we unite for a common purpose, and what a better purpose could there be than supporting the children and families of our communities,” said Stacie Peugh, President and CEO of the YMCA Cape Cod.
The fund was established to provide grants to child care programs for facility developments and improvements that support positive outcomes for children by providing high-quality environments and settings that support their learning and development.
To date, $54.1 million dollars has been awarded to 110 projects that serve approximately 13,000 children and leveraged $248 million in additional public and private investments.