YARMOUTH – Yarmouth is holding an information meeting to give residents a chance to learn about the town’s current wastewater plan.
The Yarmouth Water Resource Committee is hosting the event and will highlight how the plan impacts the community.
The meeting will give the public the opportunity to ask questions and learn about the town’s efforts to address excess nitrogen in local waters.
Yarmouth provided an update on its wastewater project in September.
The town was granted over a $1 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds through Barnstable County to support its wastewater infrastructure project design.
The forum is taking place as the period for public comment on the proposed changes to Title Five laws have been extended.
The meeting will be held at Fire Station #2 in Yarmouth Port, located at 340 Route 6A on Monday, December 19 at 5pm.
By Brian Engles, CapeCod.com NewsCenter