FALMOUTH – Three veterans groups are partnering up with Cape and Islands Veterans Outreach Center (CIVOC) to launch a new food pantry program for Falmouth veterans.
Falmouth VFW Post 2569, AmVets Post 70, and the Falmouth DAV Chapter 81, have started a collaboration with CIVOC to launch the twice-monthly food pantry.
The food pantry begins on Tuesday, March 15th at 366 Palmer Avenue in Falmouth and is open from 10am to 1pm. It will return on the first and third Tuesdays of each month.
The program is open at no cost to veterans who can provide proof of their veteran status. The program is expected to expand as participation increases.
Officials from CIVOC say this is the first time the Cape has seen a multi-organizational partnership of federally chartered veterans’ groups to serve the region’s veterans in this capacity.
According to CIVOC, its mobile food pantry will be delivering food kits for veterans that contain nonperishable goods, which will be supplemented with fresh foods and meats.
By Brian Engles, CapeCod.com NewsCenter