Surfing Community Honors the Life of Arthur Medici


WELLFLEET – Hundreds gathered at Newcomb Hollow Beach in Wellfleet Saturday to celebrate the life of Arthur Medici who was attacked and killed by a great white shark while boogie boarding at the beach last month.

As part of the event, dozens of surfers and paddle-boarders paddled out into the water, formed a circle, and joined hands in honor of the 26-year-old Revere man.

Medici was the first person to be killed in a shark attack off of the coast of the Cape since 1936.

“The shark situation has been ramping up in the last few years and I think we all knew it was coming,” said surfer Charlie Frodigh, who attended the ceremony.

“We knew that you know at some point somebody was going to get hurt or die and I think a lot of the people here today are supportive because they know that we could have been any one of them.”

Medici’s death, along with a non-fatal attack which took place earlier in the summer have led both area residents and local officials to call for action in dealing with sharks in the area.

The Atlantic White Shark Conservancy and the Town of Orleans Fire Rescue and Natural Resource Department kicked off the brand new ‘Stop the Bleed’ campaign last week aimed at providing local surfers and the wider community with training in life-saving skills related to shark attacks.

The training focused on the basic techniques of bleeding control.

Frustrated Cape residents have also formed the Atlantic Human Conservancy and drafted a citizen’s petition to amend the marine mammal protection act.

The group’s goal is to give local governments more control over their waters and are considering proposals to address the over-population of seals in the area.


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