Supporters of Plastic Bottle Bans Optimistic Going Forward

FALMOUTH – Multiple towns across Cape Cod have adopted single use plastic bottle bans as the fall slate of town meetings begin to wrap up.

The Municipal Plastic Bottle Ban, which was developed in 2019 and calls for the end of towns purchasing single use plastic bottles and the sale of those bottles on town property, has been adopted by many towns across the Cape.

Brewster, Eastham, Falmouth, Harwich, Provincetown, and Wellfleet have all adopted ban articles during their meetings, and Dr. Madhavi Venkatesan feels optimistic that other towns will follow suit.

“Definitely, there is a lot of support for this going forward,” Venkatesan said.

Venkatesan explained that the life cycle cost of a plastic bottle exceeds the cost that consumers pay for it, as the production and life of a bottle presents environmental issues due to greenhouse gas emissions as well as health concerns to people.

“We should be trying to eliminate our footprint at a time when it’s so obvious that the human footprint on this planet is beyond what the planet can bare,” Venkatesan continued.

Efforts to implement recyclable and compostable practices by local residents, businesses, and events such as the Wellfleet Oyster Fest last year were commended by Venkatesan. Making efforts locally, she added, is key going forward.

“I think we have a very educated community on the Cape,” Venkatesan said, “and people are reading and they are looking and they are seeing what’s happening on a global scale.”

Dennis’ decision on the matter has been postponed indefinitely, while Orleans, Sandwich, and Yarmouth have similar warrants on their respective upcoming town meetings.

About Brendan Fitzpatrick

Brendan, a recent graduate from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, is one of the newest members of the NewsCenter team. When not on the beat, you'll probably find him watching Boston sports.
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