FALMOUTH – An official with the Steamship Authority gave an update on the group’s terminal reconstruction project in Woods Hole and said the facility will look different for the next few months.
Communications Director Sean Driscoll said with the marine side of the project finishing last April, prep work for the new terminal and utility buildings has been ongoing.
Driscoll said the SSA has split up the latest stage into six sub-phases throughout the off-season since the facility needs to keep operating while work is underway.
“If you’re down in Woods Hole between now and mid-May it’s going to look different probably every time you come down just because we’re moving around the site,” Driscoll said.
He said that the project is requiring the Steamship to take the staging area where cars line up for boats and move that around the property.
“This is sort of the tightest spot that we’re in right now but it’s also the slowest time of year, so that’s why we’re doing this now,” Driscoll said.
“It’ll be about five to six weeks of work for this period of it,” he added.
He said some of the current projects have included laying in stormwater drains and electrical conduit and raising the grade of the site to meet flood plain requirements.
Driscoll said this phase has been more straightforward than the marine phase which required pile driving 100 feet under the ocean surface.
Driscoll said construction of the buildings is planned to start after summer 2023. He estimated it would take up to 3 or 4 years to complete the structures.
Listen to the full Sunday Journal interview with Sean Driscoll.
By Brian Engles, CapeCod.com NewsCenter