Sixty Residents at Brewster Nursing Home Infected with COVID-19

BREWSTER – The Town of Brewster has confirmed that 60 of the 92 residents at Pleasant Bay Nursing and Rehabilitation Center have tested positive for COVID-19.

This comes after the facility started conducting three rounds of testing on April 10 when several of the residents experienced COVID-19 symptoms.

Five of the residents at the nursing center remain untested.

Officials from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and the Massachusetts Bureau of Health Care Safety and Quality are actively involved in overseeing the response at Pleasant Bay.

Cape Cod Healthcare and the Visiting Nurses Association are also ensuring appropriate staffing and personal protective equipment are available to prevent further spread within their facilities and the community.

Brewster Town Administration and Health Department officials are working closely with the Visiting Nurses Association and state and county agencies to ensure that residents and staff at Pleasant Bay have access to care and that precautions are taken to prevent the further spread of COVID-19.

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health has confirmed that there are also more than 30 cases of the virus at Royal Cape Cod Nursing Center, 10 to 30 at South Dennis Healthcare Center and fewer than 10 cases at Bourne Manor and JML Falmouth.

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