Sandwich Seeking Federal Approval for Scusset Beach Borrow Site

SANDWICH- The Town of Sandwich is yet another step closer to having a sand borrowing site for Town Neck Beach, thanks to a recent application request submitted to the federal government from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

The document sought would provide compliance with Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act, which provides federal regulation of any work in, or affecting navigable waters of the U.S.; as well as Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, which regulates the discharge or fill of material in national waters, including wetlands.

As part of this new request, the Corps are required to ask members of the public their thoughts on how this situation should be handled. Requests should be submitted to the Army Corps New England District Regulatory Division no later than Septmeber 21st of this year.

So far, Sandwich has received three permits from the state that would allow for the town to transfer about 250,000 cubic yards of sand from Scusset Beach to replenish materials lost due to erosion, and the canal’s east end jetty.

Originally, the state had told town officials that they would make a decision on the permits by the end of the year, that timetable has since been pushed up to the end of this month.

When all is said and done, town officials are hoping for a couple of mild winters that could be used to buy time, so that replenishing work can be properly executed.


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