Sandwich High School Pool to Re-open Next Month

Sandwich High School. Photo courtesy of Barnstable County Regional Emergency Planning Committee

Sandwich High School. Photo courtesy of Barnstable County Regional Emergency Planning Committee

SANDWICH – With a final inspection approved, the Sandwich High School pool will re-open on September 8.

Persistent leaks kept the 40 year old pool closed, even after nearly $1 million was approved to fix the heating and ventilation system and the repair of the pool’s tiles.

The last time the pool was open to the public was July 12, 2012.

STEM Academy and High School students will be using the pool in physical education classes.

School officials will also be offering a lifeguard certification elective to students.

Sandwich Aquatics Director Wendy Pierce said that for now, the pool is only open to students, but could be open to the public in the future.

“The school committee is trying to put together a request for proposals and we’re sending it out to bid probably later this year, to try and get a third party in here to run it when the school’s not using it,” said Pierce.

The pool was recently opened up to the school’s swim team and graduating seniors.

Pierce said she is happy to see the pool finally open.

“I’m way more comfortable sitting in this room with a pool full of water than I am sitting in here looking at it full of scaffolding and workmen,” said Pierce.

“It’s a great feeling to have it done.”


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