SANDWICH – The former Forestdale Fire Station will be going up for auction in October.
Permission to sell the building to the highest bidder was granted at Town Meeting, and an auctioneer has been found.
Questions regarding the building have been sent to officials, Town Manager Bud Dunham said during a recent meeting.
Specifically, there have been some concerns about the cleanliness of the area surrounding the former fire house. Dunham insisted that is not a major issue.
“There’s never found to be any contamination that’s impacted the site that we’re selling,” Dunham said.
A consultant will conduct a report on the property in order to certify it, make the property more valuable, and allow for financing to be available more quickly.
“We’ve been told the more we can cross the T’s and dot the I’s, the better the chance that we’ll get a higher bid,” Dunham said.
The auction is slated to take place on October 21, and the site can be previewed online by clicking here.