Postal Service Kicks Off Mayflower Stamp Sales

Courtesy of the United States Postal Service

PLYMOUTH – A special stamp commemorating the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower’s voyage and arrival in Massachusetts was unveiled recently by the United States Postal Service.

A ceremony was held virtually to honor the launch of the stamp, which features art from Greg Harlin. The ship is depicted bringing Pilgrims aboard as it approaches land.

Kristin Seaver with the USPS said that the stamp reflects upon the history of both the Pilgrims as well as Native Americans in the region.

“We at the Postal Service take great pride in honoring our nation’s history, heroes, and heritage through our stamp program,” Seaver said during the ceremony.

The stamp is a Forever Stamp, meaning that it will always have the same value to the current first class mail at a one ounce price.

Executive Director of Plymouth 400 Michele Pecoraro thanked the USPS for their contributions.

“The U.S. postage stamp marking this anniversary is an important milestone in the historic record of this 2020 commemoration,” Pecoraro said.

To learn more, visit the USPS’ website by clicking here.

About Brendan Fitzpatrick

Brendan, a recent graduate from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, is one of the newest members of the NewsCenter team. When not on the beat, you'll probably find him watching Boston sports.
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