YARMOUTH – Over 1,100 runners participated in 11th Annual YPD Blue 5K Run for a Reason on Sunday, which was run in Sgt. Sean Gannon’s honor.
The Yarmouth Police Department dedicated the annual charity run in memory of Gannon, who was killed last month in the line of duty.
Gannon’s family, including his mother and father and his wife Dara attended the event.
Yarmouth Police Chief Frank Frederickson said he was very touched by the support from the community.
“We on Cape Cod, have become the most unbelievably tight, widespread community because of this tragedy and it’s wonderful to see the support and the people getting together helping each other, and that’s really what life is all about,” said Frederickson.
Gannon’s father spoke before the race began, wishing the participants a “fun and safe run”.
This year’s run broke the event’s records, with the most people pre-registered, and was larger than last year’s event, which had 300 runners.
Chief Frederickson added that the energy and support of the community for the police department is unbelievable.
“They want us to be safe and they support us,” said Frederickson. “They’re letting us know that they have our back when we’re usually the ones helping out people, but they’re helping us now.”
The three mile course is run on streets overlooking Bass River and Nantucket Sound. The course starts and ends at the Skipper restaurant.
All money raised at the run support the Yarmouth Police Foundation.
By JUSTIN SAUNDERS, CapeCod.com Newscenter