Courtesy of Cape Cod National Seashore. National Park Service Photo/Rosehill
WELLFLEET – The Cape Cod National Seashore is looking for volunteers to help preserve a piece of local maritime history.
The Beach Apparatus Drill program demonstrates life-saving measures once used at the Od Harbor LIfe Saving Station at Race Point Beach every.
Volunteers also adorn the period-accurate ‘surf-whites’ worn by rescuers.
“Joining the team does require dedication, hard work, and sweat while performing the drill on the sand in the heat of the summer, but it’s incredibly rewarding to be a part of the group that keeps this truly unique tradition alive for hundreds of visitors every year,” said Daniel Blankenship, volunteer coordinator at Cape Cod National Seashore in a statement.
Volunteers must be able to commit to annual training in June as well as weekly demonstrations on Thursday evenings.