Muratore Endorsed by Fellow Republican State Rep. Xiarhos

PLYMOUTH – Fifth Barnstable District State Rep. Steven Xiarhos has endorsed his fellow Republican 1st Plymouth State Representative Mathew Muratore in the race for the Plymouth Barnstable State Senate seat.

He said that as a potential senator, Muratore would make living more affordable and help tackle the affordable housing crisis gripping the region.

 “I am proud to endorse Matt Muratore to be our next state Senator in the Plymouth and Barnstable District,” Xiarhos said in a statement. “On the issues facing our district, I am confident that Matt Muratore will be an effective advocate for all of us in the Massachusetts State Senate.” 

“The voters want a senator who will make living here more affordable, who will fight for lower prices, and create more opportunities to buy or rent affordable housing. They also need someone who will stand up against waste, fraud, and abuse on Beacon Hill, and bring balance and transparency to the State Senate. Matt Muratore is uniquely qualified to represent our district and tackle these challenges head-on.” 

Muratore is running against  Barnstable Dukes Nantucket state representative Dillon Fernandez for the senate seat being vacated by Susan Moran this November.

About Grady Culhane

Grady Culhane is a Cape Cod native from Eastham. He studied media communications at Cape Cod Community College and joined the News Center in 2019. Host of Sunday Journal.
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