MASHPEE – Big crowds at and around Mashpee beaches have led the town’s Board of Selectmen to vote to limit the amount of people who can visit them.
Only Mashpee residents, along with members of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe and those with disability plates or cards as well as current beach permits within the town, will be allowed to access the beaches for the time being.
Beach parking and standing bans were also put into place around the John’s Pond area.
Town Manager Rodney Collins has received multiple safety concerns from residents in recent days due to COVID-19. He believes that the parking restrictions alone will help alleviate the issue, but said that actions may have to be taken at the beaches themselves.
“If it was obvious from articulated information that the person wasn’t a resident, then we’ll have to deal with it,” Collins said.
The order calls for potential police enforcement through citations and removals of non-compliant vehicles or people.
Selectman Andrew Gottlieb justified the decision by stating that this a national health emergency, and that the situation calls for these measures.
“Under normal circumstances, this would be difficult to do. We’re not living in normal times,” Gottlieb said.
Collins underscored that feeling, adding that Governor Charlie Baker recently said–as Collins put it–that “local officials know best” in these situations.
Gottlieb stressed that proper resources to make sure these restrictions go over smoothly should be provided.
The restrictions will remain in place until the board rescinds them or until Baker terminates the state of emergency status within Massachusetts.
To read the full order, visit the town’s website by clicking here.