UPDATE: Peter Pan Bus Lines, Steamship Authority Drop Mask Mandates

HYANNIS – UPDATE: 11:10 a.m. ON 4/20/22: The Steamship Authority has updated their face covering guidance, announcing that masks will no longer be required aboard their vessels, buses, or at their terminals.

The organization said that while the CDC still recommends face coverings while indoors at public transportation settings, they are following updated guidance from the U.S. Coast Guard’s Marine Safety Information Bulletin. They added that this update is still effective even as mask-related signage aboard ships and vessels as well as at terminals may still be up.

The Steamship Authority advised that their policies are subject to change in accordance with federal guidelines.


PREVIOUS VERSION UPDATED AT 6:10 a.m. ON 4/20/22: Peter Pan Bus Lines has lifted its mask mandate for employees and passengers. 

The move follows similar decisions made by other transportation services, who have made face coverings optional in the wake of a Florida federal judge voiding the nationwide mask mandate on mass transportation services. 

Bus line officials said that they would follow the guidance of the TSA, and no longer require employees or passengers to wear masks while boarding, riding and disembarking their coaches. 

They said that employees and passengers may still wear masks if they choose to.


Meanwhile, the Steamship Authority has advised that they will continue to require face coverings at their terminals and aboard all of their vessels and buses. They cited their adherence to guidance from the CDC in their announcement, adding that they will review the federal court order and continue to seek further guidance.

About Grady Culhane

Grady Culhane is a Cape Cod native from Eastham. He studied media communications at Cape Cod Community College and joined the CapeCod.com News Center in 2019. Host of Sunday Journal.

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