Image provided by Silent Spring Institute.
MASHPEE – The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe is hosting a film screening and panel discussion on PFAS chemicals this weekend.
Attendees will hear from scientists with the Sources, Transport, Exposure and Effects of PFAS Superfund Research Program, also known as STEEP, a multi-institutional project headed by the University of Rhode Island and Harvard.
Panelists include:
-Dr. Rainer Lohmann, Professor, University of Rhode Island
-Dr. Laurel Schaider, Senior Scientist, Silent Spring Institute
-Heidi Pickard, PhD Candidate, Harvard University
-Jason Steiding, Director of Natural Resources, Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe
Specifically, they’ll talk about PFAS in fish and shellfish on Cape Cod, and the potential impacts on Mashpee Wampanoag community members.
The Sunday event is free and open to the public, running from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Tribal Government Center gymnasium in Mashpee.
By Jim McCabe, CapeCod.com NewsCenter