Lengthy Hyannis Roadwork Project To Begin On Monday

HYANNIS – The Town of Barnstable is notifying residents that contractors will begin performing construction work in Hyannis along Ocean Street and Gosnold Street on Monday, October 28th.

The work will be focused on Ocean Street in the area between the John F. Kennedy Memorial and Hawes Avenue and on Gosnold Street between Sea Street and Ocean Street, entailing infrastructure improvements to improve pedestrian access and traffic safety and a new entrance to Kalmus Beach, as well as extensions of the existing water main.

Work will occur weekly from Monday through Friday from 7 am to 3:30 pm during a period expected to last through winter and potentially into the early spring.

Residents and commuters should expect temporary lane closures, and police assistance will be on-site when needed to maintain traffic flow.

Access to residences and businesses will be maintained throughout.

About Matthew Tomlinson

Matt Tomlinson is a Cape Cod native studying to be a documentarian. He has been with the CapeCod.com NewsCenter since 2021.

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Hyannis, MA 02601
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