Sandwich Solar Project Proposed

SANDWICH – A Denver-based renewable energy company is seeking a special permit to install a large-scale solar panel in a forested area in Sandwich.

ASD Cotuit MA Solar is proposing a roughly 5.6 megawatt ground-mounted solar energy system for an 18.8-arce site off Cotuit Road.

Using sunlight to generate electricity, the project will generate clean and renewable energy for homes and businesses and help the state meet its renewable Energy Portfolio Standards Goals, proponents say.  

Electricity suppliers are required by law to obtain a percentage of their electricity from renewable energy sources, including, as of 2010, solar photovoltaic energy.

The panel would also be monitored remotely, and not require permanent staff on site.

The parcel is currently owned by Cotuit Road Realty Trust and is valued at $341,800, according to the Sandwich assessor’s database.

“There are few parcels on Cape Cod that are larger than 15 acres,” Town Planner Ralph Vitacco said.

“This is one of the remaining ones held in private hands, so as far as Sandwich goes this is probably one of the few parcels that a proposed site can be placed.”

The project originally was scheduled for a public hearing before the Sandwich Planning Board earlier this month before it was determined that it first required review by the Cape Cod Commission as a development of regional impact.

Vitacco said the town consulted with the developer about the special permit criteria a few months ago.

“It’s an 18 acre parcel, the town of Sandwich has a large scale photovoltaic solar installation bylaw and one of the conditions to request the special permit is that the parcel has to be at least 15 acres,” continued Vitacco.   

“We kept it on the agenda in case anyone on the Planning Board had any questions.”

The land on which the solar panel is slated is in the town’s R-2 district, which allows only lower-density residential development, while protecting the quality of air, surface water and groundwater of the area.

Roughly 13.3 acres of land will be disturbed during the course of construction.

The Cape Cod Commission is required to solicit public feedback on the project within 60 days of the receipt of the review referral.

Public hearings will begin sometime before July 12th, according to a commission letter.

No town permits may be issued before the commission completes its review.

By: LUKE LEITNER, News Center

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