Judy Crocker Kicks Off Re-Election Campaign

YARMOUTH – Over 125 supporters gathered at the Riverway Lobster House to join incumbent State Committeewoman Judy Crocker as she kicked off her re-election campaign for a 3rd term as Republican State Committeewoman for the Cape & Islands District.

The packed room was an indication of Crocker’s support from activists and the community in the Cape and Islands District.

Many of the Cape’s current and former Republican elected officials were in attendance including District Attorney Michael O’Keefe, Register of Probate Anastasia Welsh Perrino, State Representatives Will Crocker, Randy Hunt, and Tim Whelan.

Also in attendance were former State Senators Vinny deMacedo, Henri Rauschenbach, and Jo Ann Sprague as well as former State Representatives Jeff Perry and Tom George.

Crocker spoke to the large audience, telling them about the experience, expertise, and enthusiasm she brings to this volunteer, unpaid position.

“I’ve worked, both as a volunteer and a paid consultant, on presidential, federal, statewide, country, and local campaigns,” Crocker said.

“I have expertise in campaign management, fundraising, data technology, and all aspects of marketing and messaging, I have an enthusiasm to embrace this position every day.”

Crocker went on to say her proudest moment was her husband’s victory for State Representative, “not just because he is my husband, but because we did something in Massachusetts that hadn’t been done in 34 years.”

“We picked up a seat in the Massachusetts State Legislature in a presidential year.”

Crocker closed by asking the room for their vote on Tuesday, March 3rd on the Republican Presidential ballot.

For more information about Crocker and her campaign, visit ElectJudyCrocker.com.

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