ORLEANS – The Homeless Prevention Council has officially been named as an Outreach Partner with the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.
The HPC is now the second SNAP Outreach Partner with the state’s Department of Transitional Assistance on the Cape and the first to specifically provide benefits to the Lower and Outer Cape.
The partnership program has been developed as a way to inform residents of their SNAP eligibility and how to apply for these benefits.
“Especially during the time of COVID, where there’s so many issues and concerns around food insecurity, we want to be able to be right on the forefront with supporting folks in the community,” said HPC Executive Director Hadley Luddy.
Residents of the Lower and Outer Cape can now reach out to the HPC for help with understanding and completing SNAP applications, along with other resources.
“It’s really a natural and logical step for us to take as we continue to identify and pursue better ways to serve our community,” Luddy continued.
To learn more, visit the HPC’s website by clicking here.