HARWICH – The Harwich Fund of the Cape Cod Foundation has awarded a pair of grants totaling $6,500 to non-profit organizations supporting Cape youth.
Harwich Elementary School received a $1,500 grant to cover musical instrument rental fees in fourth grade music classes for struggling families.
A $5,000 award was given to the Friends of Harwich Youth for their Harwich Children’s Fund’s 2021 Outerwear Drive Program to purchase warm winter clothing such as boots and coats for children ages five to 18.
“The economic toll on families, as a result of the pandemic, continues to be devastating for many of our neighbors,” said Sheila House, volunteer with the Harwich Children’s Fund.
“No child should have to go without outerwear. We are so grateful for Community Supporters like the Harwich Fund. They are an invaluable asset to our all-volunteer group that helps Harwich families year-round,” she said.
The Harwich Fund was created to provide resources for the Harwich Community and has donated over $16,000 to local non-profits.
To learn more, click here.
By, Matthew Tomlinson, CapeCod.com NewsCenter