Harwich Deputy Police Chief Departing for Special Olympics Torch Run

Harwich Deputy Police Chief Kevin Considine. CapeCod.com

HARWICH – Harwich Deputy Police Chief Kevin Considine leaves for Europe this Sunday to participate in the final leg of the Law Enforcement Torch Run for the Special Olympics World Games in Berlin, Germany. 

He says Law Enforcement Torch Run raises funds for athletes to help pay for uniforms, gear, and travel expenses. Considine is a member of the group’s Leadership Council. 

“This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to experience it from a law enforcement standpoint. From what I understand from people that have been in the past, it’s truly life-changing. So I’m just really looking forward to it,” said Considine. 

Considine is one of 109 police officers from around the world participating in the event. 

“They’re all there for the right and the good reasons, just to help these athletes out and raise awareness and funds for these great athletes.”

For the full video interview with Considine discussing his selection for the role, visit CapeCod.com’s Sunday Journal here.

More on the Law Enforcement Torch Run, as well as coverage of Considine’s journey, can be found on the organization’s official website here.

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About Grady Culhane

Grady Culhane is a Cape Cod native from Eastham. He studied media communications at Cape Cod Community College and joined the CapeCod.com News Center in 2019. Host of Sunday Journal.

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