Video: Harwich Deputy Chief to Carry Torch at Berlin World Games

Harwich Deputy Police Chief Kevin Considine.

HARWICH – Harwich Deputy Police Chief Kevin Considine has been selected to participate in the final segment of the law enforcement torch run for the Special Olympics World Games in Berlin, Germany this June. 

Considine says the opportunity is a great honor for him, and that he has already met some of his fellow law enforcement officers from around the world joining in the run.

“I know a lot of officers from our leadership council that are very active in law enforcement that have done this in the past, and they say it’s truly a life-changing event,” said Considine.

The Law Enforcement Torch Run raises funds and awareness throughout the year for Special Olympics Massachusetts to help pay for uniforms, hall rentals, equipment and  more. Considine is a member of the group’s Leadership Council. 

“Law enforcement Torch Run Program internationally has been around since 1980. It was started in Kansas and raised a couple hundred dollars that year. Since its inception, it has raised almost 1 billion dollars.”

Residents will be able to follow Considine’s journey on Harwich Police social media.

The full video interview with Deputy Chief Considine can be found here:

About Grady Culhane

Grady Culhane is a Cape Cod native from Eastham. He studied media communications at Cape Cod Community College and joined the News Center in 2019. Host of Sunday Journal.
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