FALMOUTH- In recognition of 25 years of dedicated service to the Falmouth Public School system Dr. Nancy Taylor was honored by Gosnold of Cape Cod at the Falmouth Arts Center.
Richard Curcuru, Gosnold’s President and CEO, along with Patricia Mitrokostas, Gosnold’s Director of Public Relations & Organizational Advancement presented a $2,500 donation in Taylor’s name to the Scholarship Association of Falmouth as part of the event.
Under Taylor’s direction, the Falmouth Public Schools brought the mantra of treating the whole child to fruition for the students, parents, and families of Falmouth. Over the years, Gosnold’s partnership with the Falmouth Public Schools has grown exponentially.
Presently, Gosnold’s licensed mental health and substance use counselors are embedded in all seven schools in the Falmouth district, including all four elementary schools.
For more information on the organization, click HERE.
BY JOHN BONDAREK- CapeCod.Com News Center