Fourth of July Fireworks Times Across the Cape

HYANNIS – A number of Fourth of July fireworks celebrations are scheduled across the Cape and Islands this weekend.

Friday, July 1, Orleans will host its 2022 Independence Day fireworks at dusk at Rock Harbor, with a rain date of July 5.

On Saturday, July 2 in Chatham, fireworks will kick off at Veterans Field at 9 pm. 

On Sunday, July 3 Holly Ridge Golf in Sandwich will host a cookout at 6 pm with the viewing of the fireworks at the neighboring Ridge Club at dusk. 

The Sandwich Fireworks will be held on Monday, July 4 with the Moonlighters Band playing from 7:30 to 9:30 on the Shawme Pond bandstand. The boat parade starts at 9 pm and the fireworks start at 10 pm.

The Falmouth Fireworks will kick off at Falmouth Heights Beach at dusk, with a rain date of July 5.

Provincetown Harbor will see fireworks at dusk, as well.

Also on July 4, the Plymouth Fireworks event will begin at 9:15 at the DCR Pilgrim Memorial State Park. 

The Hyannis Fireworks at Lewis Bay were postponed from July 4 to September 3.

About Grady Culhane

Grady Culhane is a Cape Cod native from Eastham. He studied media communications at Cape Cod Community College and joined the News Center in 2019. Host of Sunday Journal.
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