FALMOUTH – The new beach rules and regulations instituted in Falmouth this summer were deemed a success by Beach Superintendent Bruce Mogardo.
Mogardo presented a report to Selectmen last month and said the new rules, which included banning alcohol, limiting games and other activities, restricting pets and limiting large umbrellas, were a success because of clear and easily understood implementation and communication from lifeguards.
“We didn’t blow whistles. We didn’t yell and scream at anybody. We did it the old fashioned way, face-to-face, eye-to-eye and with a pleasant demeanor,” Mogardo said. “It works.”
Mogardo said effective orientation and training of beach staff led to the successful enforcement of the rules.
“We role played. We role played how to say ‘no.’ We role played how to say ‘yes’ nice,” he said.
Selectman Megan English-Braga said staff had the right balance of being reasonable and professional.
“These are places for people to come and have fun, both people that live here and people that are visting,” she said. “It’s sad that it has to be characterized as old fashioned, face-to-face, polite discourse, but that is exactly what I saw every time I was on the beach.”
Selectman Doug Jones said he liked that every situation discussed with visitors had a rationale for why the rules were being enforced, including blocking line of site or preventing possible injury.
“People can understand that it isn’t just a rule there for rule’s sake,” Jones said. “It is there for everyone to be able to have a happy, safe time.”
Mogardo said the biggest problems remaining at the beaches this summer were trash, alcohol and the presence of dogs when beach staff leave after 5 p.m.
“We are looking for maybe some support for scrutiny from Animal Control for dogs before 9 o’clock and after 5 o’clock,” Mogardo said.
He said there were reports of many dogs off-leash, which resulted in them getting into other people’s belongings and food, or scaring younger children.