Falmouth Breaks Ground on New Senior Center

Matt Pitta/CapeCod.com

FALMOUTH – The Town of Falmouth kicked off construction of the new senior center in a groundbreaking ceremony on Thursday.

The complex will be located at 780 Main Street in-between the Police Station and the Gus Canty Recreation Center.

The project culminates years of planning to create a facility that meets the current and future needs of the town’s senior citizens.

Senior Services Director Jill Bishop said with initial efforts unsuccessful years ago, the process of getting approval for a new senior center “was a long one.”

“People continued to hope and wish, and sadly at times gave up believing they would see a new center,” Bishop said.

“I remember when I became Director of the Senior Center and the first many of the seniors would ask me wherever I went in town was, ‘When are we getting a new senior center?’ It happened often.

My response was always, ‘It’s going to happen. It will happen,’ and I said nothing differently anytime I was asked.”

With the support of the Board of Selectmen, Finance Committee, and the Council on Aging, Falmouth approved $9.7 million of funding at Town Meeting for a new 17,000 square foot senior center.

“What was difficult for some to understand was that there was a process, and that the process and careful planning takes time. This project went through a rigorous process and years of planning and working together that led us to where we are today,” Bishop added.

“This is an exciting day for our community.”

The mission of the Falmouth Council on Aging Senior Center is to advocate for all Falmouth residents at the age of 60 or older by addressing their needs and identifying developing resources of assistance, outreach, health services, transportation, education, and more.

By TIM DUNN, CapeCod.com News Center 

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