BARNSTABLE – The Town of Barnstable is planning to start construction on the Route 28 East Sewer Expansion project by the fall.
The work will include the construction of new sewers, force mains, and a pump station. The project is anticipated to finish in the winter of 2023.
New sewers will be installed within sections of Route 28, Phinney’s Lane, and West Main Street as part of the project. The work will enable 90 properties to connect to the town’s sewer system.
A new pump station will also be built at 1456 Falmouth Road, with new sewer force mains added from the new pump station to Barnstable’s water pollution control facility.
Additionally, water mains will be added within Route 28, Earle’s Court, and Captain Ellis Lane.
Harwich-based Robert B. Inc. was chosen by the town to complete the project. The company had a low bid just over $17 million.
Barnstable officials will send information to property owners along the project route in the coming weeks. More information can be found on the project through this Town website.
The town highlighted the work as part of its 30-year initiative to safeguard its coastal waters and drinking water supplies.
By Brian Engles, NewsCenter