No Drugs Found in Mashpee Police K9 Search at High School

COURTESTY OF THE MASHPEE POLICE DEPARTMENT A K-9 from the Barnstable County Sheriff's Department searches for drugs at Mashpee High School Monday.

A K-9 from the Barnstable County Sheriff’s Department searches for drugs at Mashpee High School on Monday.

MASHPEE – Mashpee police assisted by Barnstable County Sheriffs Office K9 Unit, conducted a random inspection within Mashpee High School but turned up no drugs, for the second time this school year.

During the search, Barnstable County Sheriff’s Office K9 unit using the Labrador retriever, Lily, entered various classrooms and other areas within the school.

Such K9 “sniffs” are random and intended to deter drug use within the student body, while identifying young offenders before addiction takes hold, according to police.

“It is the intent of the Police Department and school administration to protect the student body from the current drug epidemic so drastically effecting our community,” police said in a statement.
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