DENNIS – By the time the summer season begins, there will be some changes to the Dennis Transfer Station.
After the pay-as-you-throw plan was struck down by voters at Town Meeting last year, town officials have made several short-term recommendations that will make the facility more efficient.
Public Works Director David Johansen has already implemented on plan which moved glass recycling to the center of the line with stations for plastic and cans, paper and cardboard on either side.
“If you see one area that’s full you can sort of move around and park in a different area, we thought that was a pretty good improvement, it was easy to do and we did do it,” said Johansen. “We’ve received positive feedback from the public.”
It was also recommended that any item that require a fee for disposal be moved from the entrance area to the back of the Transfer Station.
At the recycling line, plans include making three defined lines and adding crosswalks to remove “pinch points”.
A $200,000 request has been submitted for the FY 2018 budget for design and construction work.
There’s also a $110,000 request for a generator in case there are power outages during storms.
“We needed to evaluate the existing transfer station, the way it sits right now, it’s getting tired, what can we do better, what can we do to make it more efficient for recycling, which is where we are all going,” said Johansen.