CHATHAM- Good news for beach goers at Cockle Cove beach in Chatham as work crews have finished a sand replenishment project.
Recent storms and natural occurrences during this past winter had left a majority of the beach washed up to the shore grass, leaving it extremely difficult for caarsto gain access into the parking lot.
“We were not sure we were going to be able to get this job in but we were. We were able to get some permitting relief relative to some piping plover issues, because the dredge really wasn’t really a factor in that. The dredging crew arrived sometime around the 20th of July, and they just finished up,” said Ted Keon, Coastal Resources Manager.
It’s been nearly three years since the beach received a significant amount of sand and the town wants to create an additional buffer between Nantucket Sound and the beach parking lot.
“Initially put material right at the end of the parking lot at the public area. We basically had closed off access to the beach… we filled that area up, and it turned out very well,” said Keon.
“We put the remaining amount of the material at the west side of the beach.”
For this latest project, nearly $450,000 was split between Cockle and Harding’s beach, to repair lost sand.
As for the $20 public parking fee which was suspended during work, it has now been re-instated for all beach goers.
By JOHN BONDAREK, CapeCod.Com News Center