CHATHAM – A balanced fiscal year 2017 operating budget was presented recently by Chatham’s Town Manager Jill Goldsmith and Finance Director Alix Heilala.
Heilala said the $28,804,701 budget, which does not cover water or capital projects, does not require borrowing or a Proposition 2½ override.
“We have almost a 15 percent increase over last year but that is due to items that might be brought forward for proposed authorizations,” Heilala said. “I’m pleased to report our revenues do support the expenditures and we do have excess levy capacity that we won’t be asking to use in FY’17.”
If the town’s portion of Monomoy Regional School District payment, water budget and capital budgets are excluded, the FY 2017 numbers only add up to a 2.2 increase over the current year’s budget.
Three projects, including the town-owned building maintenance at the airport, fire engine replacement and repairs at the fish pier, were removed from the budget.
Goldsmith and Heilala have recommended combining those in a single bond authorization to be approved in the future.
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