Chatham Transfer Station Closed Easter Sunday

CHATHAM – Chatham Town Manager Jill Goldsmith has ordered the transfer station closed on Sunday, April 12.

The order is a gesture of appreciation for the staff who have been working tirelessly during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“I want staff to have the opportunity to spend the Easter holiday with their loved ones and, hopefully, relax,” said Goldsmith in a statement.

The transfer station has been operating on its regular schedule as an essential municipal service under the federal, state and local declarations of emergency and continued to accept recyclables when many towns closed their recycling areas.

The Town of Chatham is urging everyone to commit to social distancing, limit exposure to others, frequently wash their hands, proper respiratory etiquette, and wearing face-coverings when maintaining proper social distance is too difficult to maintain.

Town officials also urge those experiencing symptoms such as a fever, cough, or difficulty breathing to self-isolate and call their healthcare provider for medical advice. 

About Grady Culhane

Grady Culhane is a Cape Cod native from Eastham. He studied media communications at Cape Cod Community College and joined the News Center in 2019. Host of Sunday Journal.
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