Brewster, Orleans, and Eastham Pursue School Budget Efficiency

BREWSTER – Brewster, Orleans, and Eastham have received a $150,000 grant through the Massachusetts Community Compact Cabinet’s Efficiency and Regionalization program to fund a study exploring opportunities to increase efficiency and sustainability in the Nauset region’s elementary and middle schools.

The study aims to find actionable data for reducing operational costs in the future while maintaining high educational standards as schools report declining enrollment and rising costs.

“This grant funding underscores the importance of regional collaboration in identifying and meeting the evolving needs of our school communities,” said Peter Lombardi, Brewster’s Town Manager.

“This study,” he said, “is a critical first step to working together to plan for a sustainable future for our schools and students.”

The study will begin early in the new year.

About Matthew Tomlinson

Matt Tomlinson is a Cape Cod native studying to be a documentarian. He has been with the NewsCenter since 2021.
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