Bond to Hold Campaign Kickoff Event for County Commission Run

Linda A. Bond

Linda A. Bond

SOUTH YARMOUTH – Linda Bond will kick off her candidacy for Barnstable County Commission with a fundraising event next month.

The Yarmouth Republican operates a house cleaning business and had previously managed various restaurant and hospitality venues for 25 years.

Bond has also operated and managed childcare businesses and competed as a professional ice skater.

The kickoff fundraiser will be held on Sunday, March 13 at the Irish Village in South Yarmouth at 4:30 p.m.

“I think we need someone new and fresh in the seat and that is what I am going to be bringing to the table,” Bond said.

Bond said she attends many of the commission meetings in person or watches them online.

“I am very concerned about how things are getting done,” she said. “I feel that the right people in the seats is going to make a big difference.”

Bond said issues come to the table but not addressed in a timely manner.

“Things just aren’t getting done efficiently,” she said. “I don’t believe they research the budgets enough to see where cuts can be made and I think they just vote on things to go on.”

Bond said the region’s opioid abuse issue needs to be addressed.

“I’ll make sure that our families have places to turn to when they are in need,” she said.

She is also concerned about the possibility of the Barnstable County Fire Training and Rescue Academy closing.

“I’m a real strong advocate of keeping it here,” she said. “We really need to have that academy here for the 15 towns.”

The town of Barnstable, where the facility is located, is calling for academy’s closure due to contamination from the chemicals used at the site.

The town is seeking a reimbursement of $772,000 from the county for the costs of installing carbon treatment systems to clean two wells off Mary Dunn Road.

The town is also asking for a $3 million assurance payment in the settlement agreement to cover continuing remediation efforts.

Other candidates for the two open commission seats include Mark Forest, Joe Glynn and Ron Beaty.

Commissioner Mary Pat Flynn is seeking re-election. Commissioner Sheila Lyons is leaving the Commission to run for the Cape and Islands State Senate.


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