Big Brothers Big Sisters Doubles Down on Recruitment Campaign

HYANNIS – After pauses in recruitment brought on by the COVID pandemic, Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Cape and Islands is looking to meet its mentor needs with its “60 Guys in 30 Days” campaign set to kick off February 24. 

“In years past, what we’ve typically done during the month of March is challenge ourselves and the community to recruit 30 guys in 30 days. Our program tends to lean much heavier towards the need for male volunteers,” said Regional Director JR Mell.

“Given the pandemic, the shutdowns, the social distancing that’s happened during the last two years, we’ve actually paused that campaign.”

Mell said that with their backlog of boys looking for mentors, the organization discussed internally and agreed to double down on the event this year by boosting their goal up to 60. 

Currently, boys in the program are facing waits of nearly two years before a Big can be found for them.

Mell said the overall demand for the program has more than tripled over the course of the pandemic, however volunteer uptick has been slower by comparison.

COVID has also created challenges for mental health and social-emotional learning, which BBBS has highlighted and addressed through positive support.

“Really putting some semblance of normalcy into the life of a child is really what we’re looking for at this point in the pandemic,” said Mell. 

He said that the few hours spent with the children a few times a month has gone a long way towards helping them deal with the COVID pandemic, which has otherwise seen frequent interruptions to traditional childhoods. 

Residents can learn more about the need for mentors in the community on February 24 from 5:30 to 7 pm at Bad Martha’s Brewery in East Falmouth. 

The event will be hosted both indoors and outdoors with heated space available.

Attendees can meet current Bigs and staff, win raffle prizes, enjoy complimentary food and ask questions about the program.

Registration for the event can be completed here.

About Grady Culhane

Grady Culhane is a Cape Cod native from Eastham. He studied media communications at Cape Cod Community College and joined the News Center in 2019. Host of Sunday Journal.
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