BARNSTABLE – The Town of Barnstable is preparing to hold an informational meeting reviewing plans for sewer construction associated with the North Phase Centerville Village Sewer Expansion project, and interested individuals are invited to attend.
The session will be led by staff from the Barnstable Department of Public Works and will occur in person at the Barnstable Adult Community Center at 825 Falmouth Road in Hyannis on Tuesday, October 1, 2024, at 6 pm.
The North Phase of the project will input sewers along Route 28 from Phinney’s Lane to Old Stage Road, along Old Stage Road from Route 28 to Shootflying Hill Road, and Shootflying Hill Road from Old Stage Road to Service Road.
The project will also expand sewers on Phinney’s Lane from Route 28 to Mother’s Park Road and portions of Main Street from Mother’s Park Road to Old Stage Road.
Further endeavors in the South Phase of the project will address the remaining portion of Main Street, Centerville.
Those unable to attend the meeting will also be able to view the presentation by visiting Barnstable Government Access Video on Demand, which can be found by clicking here.