BARNSTABLE – The Barnstable Municipal Airport will hold a public meeting next week to present its Draft Public Involvement Plan, describing ongoing activities related to evaluating sources of contamination associated with perfluoroalkyl substances-known as PFAS, and 1,4-dioxane.
Site assessment activities at the Airport are regulated by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection under the Massachusetts Contingency Plan.
These regulations include provisions for local residents to request, via a petition, a PIP to learn more about the investigations and ask questions about ongoing work.
In response to a citizen petition requesting the PIP, the Airport has developed a Draft Plan that is now available for review.
“The meeting will respond to the request for public involvement and will highlight environmental management that has occurred to date at the airport,” said Barnstable Town Manager Mark Ells.
Presentations at the meeting will include, an overview of the Airport’s environmental management practices, including a discussion on the historic use of firefighting foam, which is one known source of PFAS compounds, a presentation on investigations that have been ongoing since 2016 to investigate PFAS compounds and 1,4-dioxane in soil and groundwater at the airport, and information on the water supplies that serve Hyannis and ongoing practices to ensure the water provided to Hyannis residents meets the state’s drinking water standards and guidelines.
“Topics at the meeting include management of firefighting foams and use of firefighting foams, overview of PFAS and dioxane investigations, protection and management of drinking water for the Hyannis water district, and next steps in the public involvement process,” said Ells.
The meeting is set to take place Monday, July 29th at 6 p.m. in the Barnstable Municipal Airport Terminal-First Floor Conference Room, free parking is available in the main Airport parking lot with your ticket validated at the meeting.
Comments on the Draft Public Involvement Plan are encouraged and may be submitted at the meeting or by writing to: Barnstable Municipal Airport, 480 Barnstable Road, Hyannis.
Comments may also be emailed to Sue Kennedy at [email protected]
Comments should be submitted by 6 p.m., Monday, August 19th, 2019.
The airport will issue a final draft PIP no later than Tuesday, September 17th.