Barnstable Holding Household Hazardous Waste Collection

BARNSTABLE – Barnstable’s Department of Public Works Solid Waste Division is holding a household hazardous waste collection.  

Items will be accepted from 9am to 12pm on Saturday, September 24 at the town’s transfer station. 

A current transfer station sticker or proof of Barnstable residency is required to participate.

Yard chemicals, cleaning chemicals, and auto & boat fluids are some of the items people can bring to the collection.

Pool chemicals, polishes, cleaners, and disinfectants will also be accepted. 

The collection is being held in collaboration with Barnstable County. 

More information can be found here

By Brian Engles, NewsCenter 

About Brian Engles

Brian Engles is a longtime local of the Cape. He studied Film & TV at Boston University and in addition to his role at Cape Cod Broadcasting Media, he also works as a music instructor and records original songs.
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