Barnstable County Outlines New COVID Testing Dates, Sites

HYANNIS – New dates and locations for coronavirus testing have been announced by the Barnstable County Department of Health and Environment.

Testing at the Cape Cod Fairgrounds in East Falmouth will continue to be carried out by the county. The clinics will mainly take place on Thursdays, with exceptions for holidays such as Veterans Day and Thanksgiving.

Fairground testing will resume on Thursday, November 4, from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Virus testing clinics will no longer be held at the fairgrounds on Sunday afternoons.

Tuesday testing will resume on November 2 at the Orleans Department of Public Works. Those clinics will take place from 9 to 10:30 a.m.

COVID-19 testing at the Eastham Police Department has also concluded.

More information on coronavirus clinics can be found on the Barnstable County Department of Health and Environment’s website.

About Brendan Fitzpatrick

Brendan, a recent graduate from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, is one of the newest members of the NewsCenter team. When not on the beat, you'll probably find him watching Boston sports.
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