BOURNE – The Barnstable County Correctional Facility in Bourne has received a 100 percent rating from the American Correctional Association.
The rating means a renewal of accreditation for the facility, a designation first bestowed in 2010 and assured of running continuously through 2019.
The score includes compliance on all 60 applicable mandatory standards as well as 304 that were non-mandatory.
A passing score requires compliance compliance with all mandatory standards and at least 90 percent of the non-mandatories.
“The (BCCF) staff is exceptionally knowledgable,” said ACA lead auditor Delbert Longley. “The facility is extremely clean and well managed. Your staff (security, treatment and maintenance) live it every day.”
The ACA lead a three day inspection of the 12 year old building, combing through all aspect of how it operates.