Will You Help Andrea Find a Home on Cape Cod?

Say hey to Andrea! This cat was brought up to us from Florida and is ready to start their new life up north. These cats were originally a part of a hoarding case and are getting used to being around people. They are still nervous with new people and will take some time to get acclimated to their new homes and likely will always be on the shy side. They would all do well in a home with friendly cats so if your cat is looking for a companion, they may be the right fit! Because of their sensitive demeanors, we think they’d do best in a quieter home with adult companions.

If you’re interested in adopting a cat, head to mspca.org/adopt to fill out an inquiry today!

Looking for a Pet?

The MSPCA Cape Cod has dogs and cats that need good homes! Please visit their location in Centerville! Each week, CapeCod.com, in conjunction with 99.9 the Q, picks an animal and tries to help find a home for that animal. See below for all the animals that we’ve helped and that are available still!


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Hyannis, MA 02601
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