Ever wonder about your neighbors? Why not strike up a conversation with them like we do every week in “Hello, My Name Is…”! As the school year slowly winds down as the summer season gears up on Cape Cod, you may run into some familiar people in your everyday life. Make sure you say hello to your children’s teachers!
Hello, My Name Is: Bridget Eklund
Occupation: Math and STEM teacher at Barnstable Intermediate School/Owner of The Math Learning Center of Cape Cod/Mother of 3
What was your first paying job?
Babysitting, I didn’t make the kids do math though.
When was the last time you laughed really hard?
I just saw a Facebook memory of me crying from laughing. I wish I could remember exactly why but I do know I was surrounded by family and playing a game. That is typically when I do my best laughing.
Did you grow up on the Cape?
I grew up the proud daughter of a Coast Guard aviator, Captain Carlton F. Meredith, USCG Retired. I was born in New York City and had the great fortune of spending 9 years on Governors Island, a former military base and now the site of a national park. I also lived here on Cape Cod in the early 80s during which time my father was the commanding officer of Air Station Cape Cod. Other places I lived with my family are Mobile, AL.and Montclair, NJ. I came to Cape Cod in 1994 to pursue a B.S. in Biology at UMASS Dartmouth.
Where is your ‘go-to’ spot for a scoop of ice cream?
Steve & Sue’s, of course! I like to keep it local.
Do you have a favorite non-profit group here on the Cape?
Dream Day on Cape Cod has touched my heart with their mission and work for children with disabilities, life-threatening illnesses and serious conditions. They offer 8-weeks of summer camp for children and their families to provide fun, family memories and a respite from a world of hospitals and treatments. And there is no cost to families!
What is the one thing you love to do that surprises people the most?
My love of distance running only surprises those people who abhor running and can’t believe anyone would do it for fun.
In a parallel universe, what would you be doing?
In another life I would be an Army doctor. As I neared the end of my bachelor’s degree studies I came very close to joining the Army to attend medical school and continue serving as a doctor and career officer. It is my one regret that I didn’t choose that path, acutely so on 9/11/01. However, I truly believe that teaching is my calling and so perhaps I am right where I am supposed to be.
What person had the greatest influence on you and why?
My first, best and constant influencers are my parents, Carlton and Elizabeth Meredith. It is because of the constancy of their love and support that I have had the courage and confidence to live the best life I can live and to be proudly self-reliant. They have also taught me kindness. Self-reliance and kindness are the traits of which I am most proud. And I can’t neglect to mention that they introduced me to the pure joy that is musical theatre. I am so, so grateful!
If I looked in your refrigerator right now, what would I see?
Veggies, hummus, quinoa, yogurt, string cheese, leftover birthday cake from my son’s birthday…nothing too scandalous.
If you could go out on a boat fishing for a day, who would you bring ?
Albert Einstein. We would do logic puzzles all day, and laugh and laugh. He can give me some tips on how I can bring the genius out of my students, and help me be a better teacher.
To learn more about The Math Learning Center of Cape Cod, click the logo above!
We are always looking for new people to feature in “Hello, My Name Is…”. If you know an interesting member of the Cape community, please send us their name: [email protected]. When possible, please include their contact information and a little about them.
Thank you!
Want to meet a few other folks? Click here:
Tom Bednark, Barnstable Bat Company
Alice Cartier, Home Health Aide
Aanjes Hershfield, Brazen Belles
Freeman Johnson, WWII Navy Veteran
Brian Sances, Cape Musician
Brian Morrison, Barnstable Police Department
Amanda Braga-Tipton, Chaplain Candidate United States Army
Betsy Siggins, Founder of New England Folk Alliance