Even the most introverted among us are surely feeling the pains of social distancing at this point. We, as a society, are social by nature, craving human interaction. The isolation and cabin fever are made worse by sunshine and warming temperatures. Practicing social distancing can be a challenge; I see it in my own family. The urge to carry on with life as usual is a hard one to resist.
So, when I ran across this article of how NASA astronauts survive isolation, I had to share. If you want advice on the best course of action, you go to the source. Spending months or years social distancing, you know these pros know all the tricks. Their suggestions of building and sticking to a schedule, making time for fun activities and communicating not only make sense, but are mission-tested practices. Check out the article here.
Please remember to reach out and check on friends and neighbors. Phone calls, texts, sliding into their DMs, snail mail, Zoom chats – whatever vehicle you choose, just do it. Social distancing is the best course of action, so stay home, enjoy your loved ones, try out a new hobby, zone out with Netflix, or make an igloo with that toilet paper you stocked up on. Better days are on the way!